Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Thanks for your comments;)

Goat tastes like....ummm, goat!  A bit greasy for my taste, but definitely NOT like chicken!  That Massai Wedding was awesome & a great honor to attend; who gets to do that?!  Skyping firstgradeland on Monday was a bit odd as far away & we were connected!

Yesterday we went to Dago Support Community and spent an amazing day.  We gave away a mosquito net (to prevent Malaria), maize, and a bar of laundry soap to each household.  The women lifted the bags up on their heads, wanted us to "take a picture of me with food!" and sang praises to God as we took shelter on the covered porch during a small rain shower.  Yes, I took pictures & video :)  Can't wait to share them both with all of you!!  Love to all back home, thanks for reading & commenting; it's so good to "hear" voices from home as the days are very long, but they are so full of Blessings & the Spirit of God is upon every moment!


  1. wow u ate goat LOL i wouldent really want to try that beacase it sound a little wierd and grose :)

  2. What did the goat taste like? :) so what are you going to do tomorrow? So what is your favorite thing that has happened so far? I bet being there and sharing the word of god is fun!
    God bless you :)
    P.S. say hi to all of the african people!

  3. Hi mrs. Nelson. I hope you are having fun. I think it is very nice and special that you guys gave away a mosquito net. Living in the woods I kinda know how annoying mosquitos are. It just gives me chills just thinking about how giving away those mosquitos nets can save a life

  4. Wow you ate goat wierd i wouldent try it just beacause it sounds grose :)

  5. Wow I would love to taste goat,although I never tried it before. And who would'nt like to get a free bar of soap 8).You got a keepsake,now thats what I call a vacation!


  6. Hi Mrs.Nelson Caleb does not have any more choclate on his nose. I think it was kind neat you got to eat goat. The first graders have been behaving from what 5TH grade sees.
    Joel B.

  7. Sorry I spelled you wrong on my first commen :)

  8. COMMENT not commen i spelled another thing wrong

  9. I am so glad that you helped the Africans. they wereprobaly so happy we miss you

    Lauren B.

  10. I'd love to try goat though i'd need a coke just in case Joel B

  11. Is massai a village? where do you stay like to eat, sleep?

  12. Hey Mrs.Nelson I was looking around on your blog and I found that picture of you reading a book to the kids. It looks pretty sweet.I bet you and the kids are having fun right?


  13. Hi Mrs. Nelson we really miss you back home. We can't wait to here about your trip. Tell the Massai I said hi. I can tell by what you wrote you are having fun.

  14. Hey Mrs.Nelson! How's it goin in Africa? We're all the way back here Michigan and you're across the Atlantic Ocean in Africa and we're communicating.I bet the people there are excited to see vistors like you to come.I bet the kids are interested to learn about God.Where do you stay overnight?Please comment back.

  15. Dear Sister Elizabeth!

    We are in our Computer Lab here at St. John Lutheran School with your husband. He wanted my 5th grade class to visit your blog. It is beautiful! I like the photos and how you organized everything.

    Being invited to a Massai wedding must have been a real honor and eye opening experience. I would give goat a try. How old is the couple? What do they do for a living? Where will they live? What are their names?

    "Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart." That was the verse for our wedding and it is inscribed on the inside of my wedding ring. I think that the Lord is giving you and those you meet the desires of your hearts in Christ.

    My prayer for you Elizabeth is that our God will surround you and every soul you meet with the love of our Lord Jesus Christ.

    We serve an Amazing God!

    In His Love,
    Jon P.

  16. How Many Africans do you meet when you go on these trips? :)

  17. when are you going to come back to St.john?:)

  18. hey mrs. nelsom i am so glad you are having a good time see you when you get back

  19. hey, mrs.nelson how has it been going in kenya?
    You ate goat? I bet that taisted grate!:)
    I think its nice you made mosquito nets!
    I hope you are having fun! I would like to meat a lot of new people, i bet your having fun!

  20. We all are happy that you are helping the africans Joel B

  21. I hope you comment back:)
    P.S. i might be on later tonight!
    God bless you and the rest of your trip!

  22. Thanks for your comments; it's great to hear from home! The Massai groom's name was Jonathon, I'm not sure about the bride. The bride stays with the groom's family for four days to learn how to prepare food for the groom & then moves into the freshly mudded house with her husband. The bride & her family actually build the house as a gift to the groom. We are not staying with the Massai, we are staying with the Meekers at the Luther Guesthouse in Nairobi. Moly, the cook at the Guesthouse, makes many tradtional Kenyan dishes; ugali, mchuzi stew, lamb, goat & sakumu wiki. I'll be trying to load some photos of the Massai wedding onto the Team's blog tonight, so be sure to check it out!

  23. That sounds aweosme! So how many people were at the wedding? WOW the bride and her family have to build the house?.... i think it should be the other way around! :) S o what did you guys do today? What kind of meals? I hope you are having a wonderful time!
    Emily Z
    P.S. i will try to be on tomorrow and see if you've responded!

  24. You, yourself are a living hallelujah! It's great to hear of your adventures of faith and long days full of loving. have to come home! :-) Godspeed on your daily dose of perspective from "the ends of the earth."

  25. Your students are too cute!! Perhaps I will book some computer lab time with my students next week and have them hit up your blog! I hate to be picky or choosy haha but since we are experiencing a big natural disaster here in Vietnam, maybe you could write about what is happening in Kenya a little more in depth and how they are dealing with it/we are helping with it?

    Love love love you and thinking and praying for y'all often :)

  26. how was the goat LOL that would be nastey i would not like to eat goat that would taste weard

  27. lol eating a goat sound wierd lol! Cool!

  28. Hey Mrs. Nelson!

    I can't believe that you tried goat! WOW! That is great that you are spreading God's word to the people of Kenya! I bet they are loving hearing the message that God blessed you with. What motivation you had to have to go! I cannot wait to talk to you when you get back! God's blessings on you and EVERYONE else spreading God's word!

    God Bless!

  29. How does it feel to be geniuely loved? Are the people there nice? You are a really great person for doing this I would never have been able to do this.

    God Bless!!!

  30. i hope your having fun mrs nelson! looks fun god bless you!

  31. hey Mrs.Nelson

    That is so great that u flew all the way to africa to spread the word of God to these people, i bet there having so much fun with you, and i can not beleive you ate goat, that makes me want to puke thinking about it LOL, so keep up the good work spreading Gods word

    God bless!

    Cassidy G

  32. WOW goat............ i know i wouldnt eat that!

  33. I hope you love Africa and injoy the rest of your time there i think it is grate that you are teaching kids about god that is grate and they probuley love lerning about God tell the rest of the team i said good luck

  34. hope you are haveing a great time. You are toching their hearts
    God bless you!!

  35. Mary s.
    oh my goodness i would NEVER eat goat yuck! but i did eat a lam before! you are so lucky Mrs.nelson, i have always wanted to go to africa and do missionary work!!! i love to serve God to little african kids!!! i want to be a missionary and i bet you are having the time of your life ! have soo much fun severing Jesus Christ and i love to hear hows it going keep us updated ! :-P

  36. hey! did the goat taste like chicken? I would not have eaten that!:-D

  37. wow eating goats sounds pretty Strange! i wouldnt try it it sounds...Bla :P
    Amelia S.

  38. Have fun they probuley love you there do as much as you can to teach kids about God.

  39. It' so nice what you are doing for those kids and people:)the school misses you.

  40. have a good time coming home

  41. How many more days till you go home? i think 11 because firstgradeland is counting down the days! :) i heard them counting down to day!
